If you use a local page instead of fetching it, that wouldn't be an issue though, as you could remove outbound links on that page. It's also a little odd to be taken to a browser but have no way of opening the page in your main browser, even though you can navigate around the site. The FAQ page takes ages to load, I'd suggest potentially making it a local cache of the webpage, rather than fetching it. All of the fonts seem to assume that the transition should be mirroring on the horizontal, but the app still rotates the image, meaning the second word displays backwards. Gives a weird "pop" effect when the ambigram isn't perfectly symmetrical, I only figured out what was actually happening when I tried two words. Several times, the first tap on the image would register as a double-tap, causing the image to instantly flip and then rotate back, instead of rotating forward. You can rotate the ambigram result and also share with other friends. Input two words that would be merged, and click the Generate Ambigram button to see your result. With Ambimatic you can create ambigram designs easily. The ambigram generator allows you to type in any two names, words or phrases and create your own unique, personalized ambigrams. Potentially a better UX would be to accept spaces in the input, and just remove them before generating. Ambimatic Ambigram Generators For owners of android smart phones, Ambimatic is a good option for you. Didn't try other punctuation, but quite possibly it would trigger the same bug. However, putting in a dash doesn't, but it causes generation to fail for all fonts. Ambigram Generator, Interview, tutorials by admin Vector trace an ambigram in 5 steps using Adobe Illustrator In our last tutorial we have gone over the basics of how to make an ambigram.

Putting a space in your word gives you an error telling you that's not allowed.